Accidents Due to Drowsy Driving

A motor vehicle driver has a responsibility to only operate a vehicle if he or she feels physically fit and able to do so. Driving while drowsy, tired or fatigued is a serious driver error that can lead to deadly traffic accidents. A driver who is drowsy may not be able to react in time to changing roadway situations. This can result in a preventable car accident. Let our Las Vegas accident attorney hold drowsy drivers accountable for your accident.

The Dangers of Driving While Tired

Drowsy driving poses significant risks not only to the driver but everyone else on the road. Driving while tired has been compared to drunk driving in the effects it has on a driver’s reaction times, coordination, attention and ability to multitask. Fatigue can impair a driver’s reflexes, leading to slower reactions to potential crash risks. A drowsy driver may not stop in time to avoid crashing into a stopped vehicle or crossing pedestrian, for example.

Drowsy Driving Accident Statistics

Drowsy driving is a significant public health problem. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that around 91,000 car accidents resulting in 50,000 injuries and 800 deaths occur annually. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 693 people died from drowsy-driving-related accidents in 2022. The National Safety Council estimates that about 1 in 25 adult drivers have reported falling asleep while driving.

How to Spot a Drowsy Driver

You have most likely encountered many drowsy drivers while driving in Nevada, although you may not have known it at the time. While anyone can be guilty of driving while fatigued, the most common culprits are young people (ages 21 to 29), those with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, people who drive overnight and truck drivers.

You may be able to detect a drowsy driver by looking out for signs that a driver is dozing off or has fallen asleep. This may include erratic maneuvers, abrupt braking or accelerating, drifting in and out of lanes, delayed reactions, and hitting the rumble strips on the side of the road. If you notice any potential signs of drowsy driving, stay away from the driver and report him or her to the police.

Signs That You Are Too Tired to Drive

As a driver, it is your responsibility to notice when you are feeling drowsy or become too tired to continue driving. Warning signs may include frequent yawning and blinking, heavy eyelids, trouble focusing, memory lapses, inconsistent speeds, lane drifting, and head nodding. If you notice any of these signs, pull over in a safe location to rest. Taking a short nap is more effective than stimulants such as caffeine and energy drinks.

What to Do After an Accident Involving Driver Fatigue

If you get injured in a car accident in Nevada and suspect that the other driver was falling asleep at the wheel, call the police to report the collision. The police can come to the scene for an investigation, which may include speaking to the other driver and making a note of any signs of fatigue. You can use the police accident report as evidence during your car insurance claim.

Get medical care immediately for any injuries that you suffered. Notify your car insurance company of the crash as soon as possible. Before entering settlement negotiations, however, contact an attorney in Las Vegas for legal advice. An attorney can give you an accurate estimate of how much your case is worth. Then, he or she can communicate with an insurer on your behalf to fight for maximum compensation.

To learn more about your rights after an accident caused by drowsy driving in Las Vegas, contact the personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas at Koch & Brim at (702) 451-3900 for a free consultation.