What to Do if You’re in a Car Accident in Las Vegas With No Insurance
Car insurance provides a safety net for those involved in car accidents in Las Vegas. It ensures that the driver who caused the crash can afford to pay for a victim’s losses. Insurance is required of all motor vehicle drivers in Nevada. Yet many drivers get behind the wheel without enough or any car…
Can I Collect Damages After a “Minor” Auto Accident?
A car accident is a stressful situation under any circumstances. Even a crash that is considered “minor,” with low-level property damage and mild to no injury, can generate expenses and inconvenience for those involved. It is still possible to collect damages, or financial compensation, for a minor auto accident in Nevada. What Damages Are…
Nevada’s Vehicle Inspection Requirements
Like many states in recent years, Nevada has passed laws requiring drivers in the state to have their motor vehicles undergo smog checks and other inspections before registering them. These requirements are meant to reduce emissions and help the environment. In this guide, the Las Vegas car accident lawyers at Koch and Brim lay…
Elements of a Negligence Case in Nevada
If you get injured in an accident in Nevada, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim. You generally must prove, however, that someone was negligent and that this caused or significantly contributed to the accident. Most personal injury cases are based on the legal doctrine of negligence. The definition of negligence…
Who Is Liable for Damages After a Rideshare Accident?
Rideshare has become one of the most popular transportation options for getting around Las Vegas. Although calling an Uber or Lyft is certainly safer than attempting to drive back to your home or hotel under the influence, rideshare vehicles can get into collisions just like standard motor vehicles. If you suffer injuries or property…
Nevada Seat Belt Law
You should always be prepared for the possibility of getting into a car accident. One of the most important things that you can do to protect yourself from personal injury is to wear a seat belt. Seat belts are so vital in preventing serious injuries that all 50 states have passed some type of…