Common Road Design Defects That Cause Accidents

Driver mistakes are not behind every motor vehicle accident. Some automobile accidents in Las Vegas are caused by defective and dangerous roadway designs. If you are injured due to a road design defect, you may be eligible for financial compensation from the government agency responsible for the road.

What Is a Road Design Defect?

Some roads are safer for road users than others, with structurally sound designs and solid engineering. A properly designed road will have optimal safety and functionality for all users, including motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. It will not contain issues or defects.

A poorly designed road can have defects related to various aspects of its infrastructure, such as problems with the quality of the road surface, issues with the curvature of the road, improper or missing signage, and dangerous or confusing intersections. These defects can increase the risk of car accidents.

Issues With Road Geometry

Road design is completed by a highway engineer, whose goal is to create roads that optimize efficiency and safety while minimizing cost. The general design of a roadway consists of three parts: alignment, profile and cross section. The alignment is the route of the road, including curves. The profile is the vertical aspect of the road. The cross section shows vehicle and bicycle lanes and sidewalks, as well as other road features that don’t deal with geometric design.

Highway engineers must adhere to certain design standards that are enforced by state and municipality authorities. If a road design does not follow these rules and regulations, it may not be safe. The curves may not be graded properly, for example, or the lanes may be too narrow. Exits and merge lanes may be too short or poorly designed. These design flaws can create dangerous situations for road users.

Road Surface Defects

Issues with road design and engineering can lead to safety hazards connected to the road’s surface, such as potholes, cracks, stress fractures, uneven pavement, inadequate shoulders, edge failure, rutting, and loose gravel or debris in the road. These issues could result in tire damage or a loss of vehicle control.

Improper Signage or Road Markings

Drivers require road markings and ample signage to direct them on where to go and how to proceed in a certain location. If a road has a dangerous design with inadequate, missing, poorly placed, obscured or unclear signage, drivers may not be properly warned or directed. The same is true if there are improper road markings, such as faded or incorrectly placed markings. These issues can increase the risk of collisions.

Inadequate Drainage

A safe, well-designed roadway will be able to withstand environmental conditions over the years, including precipitation and rainfall. Designing a road to have proper drainage is crucial for maintaining the safety and longevity of its infrastructure. The right design minimizes road damage, such as erosion and potholes, caused by an accumulation of water. It will also help prevent puddles from forming on the road surface, which decreases the risks of skidding and hydroplaning.

Filing a Road Defect Claim in Las Vegas

If you are involved in a car accident that was caused by a road design defect or road hazard, you may be able to seek financial compensation for your losses from the state or municipal government. Government agencies are in charge of ensuring the safety of public roads within their jurisdictions.

A car accident attorney in Las Vegas can investigate your case to determine who owns the road. Then, your lawyer can complete the paperwork to file a claim against this government agency before the state’s deadline. You can concentrate on recovering from your injuries while your Las Vegas personal injury lawyer negotiates a fair settlement from the government agency.