Dangerous drivers in Las Vegas can put everyone at risk by engaging in reckless and aggressive behaviors behind the wheel. Aggressive driving is often an outcome of frustration due to traffic congestion, rushing to a destination or personal stress. However, there is never an excuse for putting others at risk. If you were injured by an aggressive driver in Las Vegas, a car accident attorney near you can help seek justice.
What Is Aggressive Driving?
Koch & Brim offers skilled representation for aggressive driving accident victims in Las Vegas. Call (702) 451-3900 for a free case evaluation now.Aggressive driving refers to a pattern of driving behavior that demonstrates a reckless or wanton disregard for the safety of others. It can involve broken traffic laws or unsafe maneuvers around other road users, committed recklessly or deliberately. Examples of aggressive driving include:
- Speeding or racing
- Ignoring traffic signs
- Tailgating/following too closely
- Weaving in and out of traffic
- Running red lights and stop signs
- Failing to yield the right-of-way
- Unsafe passing
- Excessive honking
- Road rage behaviors
- Physical altercations
Aggressive driving significantly increases the risk of a motor vehicle collision. Erratic driving behaviors can make a driver unpredictable and unsafe, resulting in accidents with other motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians in Las Vegas.
The Legal Implications of Aggressive Driving in Las Vegas
Aggressive driving can have criminal and civil consequences for the driver. If the driver breaks a law, such as exceeding a speed limit or running a red light, this can result in traffic infractions and fines. Nevada also prohibits reckless driving under Revised Statute § 484B.650. This law makes aggressive driving a misdemeanor, punishable with up to $1,000 in fines and/or imprisonment for up to six months for a first offense. If an aggressive or reckless driver causes a motor vehicle crash in Las Vegas, the driver can also face civil liability – meaning legal and financial responsibility for the wreck. Nevada is a fault-based car insurance state, meaning the driver at fault for causing a car accident is responsible for paying for the victim’s medical bills and property repairs. However, the victim must prove fault.
How to Hold an Aggressive Driver in Las Vegas Responsible for an Accident
If an aggressive driver crashes into you, it is up to you (or your car accident attorney) to prove fault to recover financial compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance provider. Proving fault typically requires evidence of negligence, or the other driver’s failure to exercise reasonable care. Proof of aggressive driving may include a police report, citations for reckless driving, eyewitness accounts, photos and video footage, and crash reconstruction done by an expert. Medical bills and records may also be required to prove your injuries.
How Can an Aggressive Driving Lawyer in Las Vegas Help You?
Meeting your burden of proof in a car accident case in Las Vegas can be easier with help from an attorney. An experienced car accident lawyer can immediately investigate your accident to search for proof of aggressive or reckless driving to support your claim. From there, your lawyer can take over negotiations with an insurance provider to seek maximum financial compensation on your behalf. A lawyer will inform you of your rights, guide you through the recovery process and develop personalized courtroom strategies for you to provide the most effective legal representation possible. If you need to discuss a specific car accident case involving an aggressive driver in the Las Vegas area, contact Koch & Brim, LLP. We offer free initial case reviews at no pressure to hire us.