Las Vegas Sideswipe Accidents

A sideswipe accident can be a serious type of motor vehicle collision, especially if it occurs on one of Nevada’s highways. If you get injured in a sideswipe crash, determining fault may be difficult. A qualified car accident attorney in Las Vegas can assist you in recovering fair and full financial compensation for your injuries and bills.

What Is a Sideswipe Accident?

A sideswipe accident describes a motor vehicle collision where the sides of two vehicles that are traveling parallel to one another touch or collide. These accidents often occur on multi-lane highways, where two vehicles in adjacent lanes collide due to one or both making unsafe lane changes.

What Causes Sideswipe Car Accidents in Las Vegas?

Sideswipe accidents can typically be prevented by drivers exercising an adequate degree of care when operating their vehicles. If a driver wishes to change lanes, he or she must check to make sure the destination lane is clear, signal the intent to move, maintain a safe speed and only execute the maneuver when it is safe to do so.

Recklessly or carelessly changing lanes, failing to check blind spots in mirrors, driving too fast for conditions, driving while distracted, cutting other drivers off, crossing multiple lanes at once, and weaving in and out of traffic are all examples of driver errors that can increase the odds of a sideswipe collision.

Sideswipe Collisions Can Be Deadly

Some sideswipe accidents are minor, such as those that occur at low speeds in congested traffic in Las Vegas. Others, however, are serious collisions that can result in debilitating and even deadly injuries.

Victims involved in sideswipe accidents in Las Vegas could suffer the following types of injuries:

If you or a loved one suffered a serious injury in a sideswipe accident, you may need a personal injury attorney to help you achieve a fair settlement for your past and future losses.

Who Is Liable for a Sideswipe Accident in Nevada?

Determining liability, or financial responsibility, for a sideswipe accident in Las Vegas may not be easy. If both drivers were attempting to change lanes at the same time, it can be difficult to establish who was in the wrong. If one of the drivers was violating a traffic law or making an unsafe lane change, that driver could be held responsible for a subsequent sideswipe accident.

Nevada’s fault-based insurance law allows crash victims to bring claims against at-fault drivers. However, the victim must establish fault based on a preponderance of the evidence to qualify for financial compensation. After a sideswipe accident, you may need an attorney to investigate and collect evidence of another driver’s fault for you.

How a Sideswipe Accident Lawyer Can Help You

A car accident lawyer in Las Vegas can make the recovery process easier for you and your family after a sideswipe collision. Your attorney can determine the cause of the crash and hire qualified experts to reconstruct the accident, as necessary.

You can trust your lawyer to advocate for the best possible results on your behalf when negotiating with car insurance companies. Meanwhile, you can rest and focus on healing from your injuries. To request a free consultation with a sideswipe accident lawyer in Las Vegas, contact Koch & Brim today.