Steps to Take When Filing a Car Accident Claim

If you get involved in a car accident in Las Vegas, you should take certain steps to protect yourself and preserve your legal rights as much as possible. Knowing how to file a car accident claim, build your case and deal with a car insurance company effectively can make it easier to recover the compensation you need after a traffic accident.

Things to Do at the Scene of the Car Accident

If a car accident occurs, immediately pull over as close to the crash site as possible. Check to see if you or anyone else involved is injured. Use your cell phone to call 911 to report the accident. Exchange information with the other driver while you wait for the police to arrive.

Before you leave, speak to eyewitnesses and write down their information. Take photographs of the scene, capturing details such as damage to both cars, debris in the road, road conditions and surrounding traffic signs. Get medical care for your injuries right away; do not delay in seeking treatment.

How to File a Car Accident Insurance Claim in Nevada

Nevada is a fault state. This insurance rule gives injured accident victims the right to file claims against drivers who are responsible for the crash. Victims must establish fault using evidence to receive compensation from another driver’s insurance company.

Notify your automobile insurance provider about the accident. The insurer will begin an investigation. An assigned representative known as the insurance claims adjuster will ask you questions about the crash and interview eyewitnesses to determine the cause. Prepare records and documents related to your car accident beforehand for a smooth filing process.

If the other driver is at fault, your insurance company will pursue coverage from his or her insurer. All motor vehicle operators in Nevada must carry minimum amounts of liability insurance. If you are contacted by an insurance company after your crash, do not accept a quick settlement. Protect yourself by being wary of the insurer.

Take Steps to Maximize Your Financial Recovery

The car insurance company that receives your claim will not want what is best for you. Its main goal is to save as much money as it can on your payout. Do not trust the insurance adjuster handling your case, do not admit fault for the auto accident and do not give too much detail about your injuries.

If you are asked to give a recorded statement, politely decline. Do not rush into the first settlement offered. Instead, contact a Las Vegas car accident attorney for advice. Your injuries and losses may be worth more than what the insurance company initially offers. A lawyer can help you negotiate with a claims adjuster to maximize your case’s outcome.

How to Prove a Car Accident Case

The burden of proof during a car insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit is a “preponderance of the evidence.” This means enough to establish that the at-fault party (defendant) is more likely than not to be responsible for the crash.

Evidence available to support a car accident claim varies from case to case but can include crash reports, witness statements, photographs and videos, expert testimony, accident reconstruction, cell phone records, and medical records.

The right attorney can investigate your car accident, gather evidence to establish fault, identify the defendant(s) and take care of complicated claims-filing processes for you. Your lawyer will work for you – not an insurance company. You can trust your attorney to fight relentlessly for maximum financial compensation on your behalf.

If you are interested in filing a car insurance claim in Las Vegas and need assistance from a personal injury attorney, contact Koch & Brim for a free consultation.